Over the next week or two, I am taking some time to talk about planning. If you missed it, check out my last post on choosing a planner that's right for you.
Did you think through a planner/system that works for you? If not, its never to late to get organized people! Once you know what your go to tool is, it's time to talk about what you need to put in it.
Enter step 2:
2. Make an inclusive To-Do List for Home and Work.
I have found that when I make a list that includes home and work, I get less done for both. So I now keep a to do list for each of them. These lists include everything that I have to get done for these things, but not projects I would just like to get done. Realize you may not get everything done on this list in that day (chances are you won't), but it helps to see everything that has to be done at once.
Back to the To-Do list. I find it helpful to write things broken down into the smallest task possible, meaning if I need to send a bunch of emails then I will write out "send email to x, y, z" or "send email about x, send email about y, etc". Why? Because I am a person who is motivated by slashing through my to-do list. So the smaller the task, the quicker I slash something off. For you that may be more overwhelming that motivating, because it does make the list longer! Do what works for your personality. Here is a snapshot of what my 2 to-do lists look like each day:
So your challenge for today is make those to-do lists! What's on yours today?
laundry, dishes, finish a cake, drive to nashville and have a weekend w/my best friend! woohoo!