
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

what is that all about?

ok so i haven't been blogging much i know, and its not bc i got a new job and have been busy there- but i still believe it will happen when the Lord wants it to!! i just am sick of answering the stupid question "hear anything about a job yet?" "NO! do you not think i would be screaming it from the rooftops??!!!!"... sorry, some repressed frustration getting out there, but that is not the point of this blog. i have been babysitting my fabulous niece this past week and before that vbs and before that a kitchen remodel and before that mexico and basically the last month just straight up flew by!!! 

so i have a list of things i have wanted to blog about (i can hear kristi making fun of me now for making a list of things to blog about... mocker!) and i fianlly got to catch up on some blogs this morning and was all ready to post. but i read one blog and now i am blogging about something not on the list... ha as if you really even needed to know any of this? so on to the post. 

from kelly's korner: 

"I had a post all planned out that I wanted to write about how being a mom is such a hard job and how you can feel so insecure about all the choices you make. I've had a hard time lately thinking about how us mothers are so quick to judge or make other mothers feel bad because they don't make the same choices as we do. Whether you breastfeed, use formula, are a working mom or a stay at home mom, whether you use cloth diapers, make your own food or use store bought, whether you home school or send you kids to public school.......we are all (hopefully) trying to do the best for our children and families. I think as mothers we should know we are all in the same club and try to lift each other up.........not tear each other down because we aren't all doing things the same way.
I chose to stay at home and I was blessed to be able to and I chose to breastfeed but I can tell you right now I don't think I'm a better mom than a working mom who formula feeds. I know their children feel just as loved. I just hope we do what we can to encourage other mothers - we are all running the same race."

so i am not a mother yet, but i totally know this is true. and really it is just true for all areas of life, not just parenting (although i think people are more vocal about it with parenting). and it just flat out makes me mad! MAD! Mad at myself cause i totally do this, and mad at others bc they do too! but really it makes me mad at SATAN bc he is getting the satisfaction of tearing apart biblical community.

 "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:34-35

the way Christians love each other was supposed to be the defining attribute of the church. and sadly in today's world it is the opposite. the way we dont love one another is our defining attribute. and i am so sick of it! and i am sick of myself for being a part of it. 

i have no big point i guess... just that today we should all be mindful of how we judge one another and how we love one another. lets strive to love like Christ loved... with truth but with grace! 


  1. Thanks for sharing! It's so true. We are so quick to make personal choices moral ones. We can always use reminders to love one another better. I meant to comment on your last post too...I admire your honesty and willingness to give it up. I have scaled way back too. Sometimes something good just isn't best at the time. Running the race alongside you, sister! We need to hang out again soon!

  2. Thanks for your authenticity Sabrina!

  3. umm i hear you on the job thing. if i had a dollar for every time I have been asked if Erik has found a job, he wouldn't need one!!! Like you, I know people are just being interested and supportive, but it stinks to have to admit out loud over and over the seeming failure of the effort!
