
Saturday, June 16, 2018

A Peachy Summer Night

Tonight, we got to have a looooonnnngggg overdue hangout session with the Peaches! It has been months since our families got to catch up, but I am so glad we finally found the time. 

We headed over for some pizza, and then spent some time in the backyard. Lilli is interested in learning to play softball, so all the boys gave her a lesson and had a ball hitting and running around. 

We moms supported from the sidelines while catching up! Haha! 

Griffin and Lilli also made several videos for his YouTube channel, but be warned- there is soooo much camera moving on here that it made me motion sick! Ugh! Haha! 

It was a fantastic summer night getting to catch up and just play. I ❤️ summer! 

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