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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Last Sunday was Mr.Pate's birthday (and Uncle D, Uncle Shelly and Papaw!). Once again, we had a crazy week leading up to his birthday (see last years post here). Mr.Pate worked like 80 hours for Servpro last week due to all the frozen and busted pipes in town! We also had some frozen pipes and limited water, so it was just crazy around here.

The boys went to Louisville for Saturday and Sunday to celebrate with everyone (I had already committed to a girls weekend so I couldn't join them).

Monday night we headed to Shogun for our yearly celebration with the Broadys and Porters. It's fun to see how much my kid has grown throughout these three years. Our first year he wasn't even born, then he was just an infant still breastfeeding, and last year he was a tentative toddler. This year the kid ate a ton and talked even more. We have been blessed with such a sweet and hilarious child.

- Mrs.Pate via my iPhone

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