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Friday, February 4, 2011


Five Years ago today, I married Mr.Pate. It was cold and snowing that day. I can not believe it has been 5 years already. Time has gone so quickly, and yet at the same time it feels like we have been married forever. I was very calm on our wedding day. I wasnt nervous about the event or the thought of forever. It seemed completely right to me to commit myself to this man. God knew exactly who I needed to be my partner for the rest of my life. 

Mr.Pate and I are a lot alike. A Lot! We are both strong personalities, task oriented, very practical, and sarcastic. I love that we think the same way about money, possessions, giving and spending. It amazes me how we enjoy each other more as the time goes. We come down on the same side about most theological issues and so far parenting ideas. I love that. 

Mr.Pate and I are also very different. God knew I would need a man who would challenge me in my weak areas. I needed someone who would call me out when I was wrong. And that Mr.Pate needed a wife that would do the same. 

Our life is not perfect, in fact it is far from it. We have been through job loss, church hurt, medical issues and money troubles. The man has worked three jobs to keep us afloat and would do it again in a heartbeat. We have called 3 places home and loved all three for different reasons. We have had two roommates, a cat and a dog. And we are soon to add a crazy little human to the mix. 

It has not been all butterflies and kisses. We have fought, been apathetic and neglected one another. Marriage is not a bed of roses. But if I was to go through this journey with anyone, I would pick him all over again. He, for better or for worse, is the love of my life. And I couldnt feel more blessed. 

Happy Five Years Pate... here's to another 70! 


  1. love this! im guessing you'll be headed to your five star resort this weekend....riiiighht. :)

  2. Happy FIVE YEARS...enjoy your day!!

  3. Happy Anniversary! What a sweet couple!

  4. Aww--happy anniversary! and I didn't realize that we got married the same year--how fun!
