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Our Boys:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


• Tomorrow is Thursday.
• That means only two more days or dropping Griffin off this week, only two more days of work, and only two more days till I get my boy for two Whole days!
• The Big Bang Theory comes on tomorrow night too!! Woo hoo! I think that show just gets funnier and funnier. But I am ready for Prea's (sp?) character to be gone. She just doesn't mesh well. Amy Farah Fowler on the other hand, was a genius addition to the cast!
• Guess who is in the country? Karen, Heath and their new daughter Reese! They live in Mexico. And we get to see them Saturday!!! I am sooo excited! It is very last minute. Heaths grandmother passed away, so they didn't get to come to the states for a fun visit. But I am glad I wil get to see them before Christmas.
• I am loving this weather!

- Mrs.Pate via my iPhone

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