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Friday, June 12, 2009

what do you worry about?

as i mentioned in my previous post, I am going through a devotional on stewardship right now. yesterday's devotion had something definitely worth mentioning. 

"Worry is an indicator of worship. What you worry about is what you don't want to lose."

I dont know about you, but that hit me. I am a worrier. I had never thought of it as an indicator of what I was worshiping. I have heard several people say that you can look at your checkbook and see what you worship, and while that does work for some people for others it doesnt. Because you see, we give. So if you look at my checkbook you would see we care about the Kingdom of God and give for its advancement. But what you dont see is my worry. And I think for me, worry is a better indicator of what I worship. "You worry about what you don't want to lose." 

This was a good wake up call for me. When I catch myself worrying, I can mentally refocus and proclaim that I trust in the Lord and He will provide... He will! 

So today ask yourself, what do you worry about? What are you afraid of losing? 

** The devo gives you a challenge to do during the day at the end. Here is the one from yesterday, I thought it was really good:

Catch yourself worshipping money- daydreaming, or worrying about it (thinking things like: "If only I had more money", "With more money I could", "I hope my new job pays me ___"). Worship Christ instead using the same loving terms: "If I only had more of Jesus...", "With more of Christ in my life we could...", "I hope my new job gives me plenty of time to serve Jesus..." etc. 

"You cannot serve both God and money. Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat and drink; or about your body, what you will wear."   Matthew 6:24-25

1 comment:

  1. Yet again..thanks for sharing this....I too am a worrier.
