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Friday, August 14, 2015

Grady is 9 Months Old!

(Late as always!)

Look how stinkin cute he is!?!! This one is already nine months! And boy he had a big month. He started crawling, got really vocal, started several table foods, and is pulling up. Slow down child!

He is 20.5 lbs and 29" long. Average for his weight and above average for height and head circumference.

Grady loves eating now. We added yogurt, scrambled eggs, biscuits, bagels, steamed carrots and sweet potatoes to the table food list this month. He is a pro at sippy cups now also.

He finally figured out crawling this month! And he is fast. He also pulls up constantly, but no cruising just yet. He can sign "more" and "dog" now!! Yay! He is still babbling a ton. He can say "Dada" but nothing else yet. He became obsessed with balls this month and constantly has several in his hands or around him.

He has mostly stopped biting when nursing- thank goodness! And we are still going strong with it. Yay! He still takes 3 bottles at daycare that are 5 oz and nurses 3 times with me.

He is a happy and funny baby. He still adores big brother so much it melts my heart.

And a few outtakes :-)

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Monday, August 10, 2015

Week in Review {8/2-8/8}

We started our week off with church on Sunday morning, per the norm :-)

Griffin asked me why I put this "dress" on Grady! Haha, apparently he is not a fan of rompers?

Sunday night we had the Bunton's over for dinner. It has been forever since we have had just one family over for dinner (we have large groups for bible study or life group weekly), so it was actually very fun to cook for just us two families! I took advantage of the opportunity and cooked Mr.Pate's fav- chicken cordon bleu with béarnaise sauce. And it was so yummy. It was wonderful getting to hangout with them.

My next StitchFix came on Monday, so I tried on all of those clothes after work, and Griffin took pics of each piece for me :-)

Two of the shirts were too big and one was too small :-( And I loved the black pants but not the price... So I kept one tank top.

After that we played outside for awhile. Griffin drove Grady in his power wheels for the first time and Grady loved it!

(Notice the ball in Grady's hand. We have become obsessed and won't put them down.)
Then Griffin pushed his brother for a bit :-)

And then we had our first brother wagon ride. How precious?! We spent many a night at our old house pulling Griffin in this wagon after dinner, so It is too sweet to get to pull two babies now. I love having two kids. Everything is just sweeter.

Tuesday we had our last Parking Lot party for the summer. I am going to miss seeing these crazies once a week!

Wednesday we went to Smiths Grove Baptist to visit, and then helped Uncle D finish up his classroom. This goofs had my phone the whole time we were at church ;-)

Thursday Grady ended up getting sent home with a fever. We are pretty positive it's teething related. We had bible study, and then our praise band practiced at our house bc the church building has a special event this week. It was so sweet to hear my whole house filled with worship music (or in theory it was, during this time Griffin was having a massive meltdown so I couldn't fully enjoy it, but that's life!).

Friday we had dinner at the Peach's and then we played outside at their house. Griffin bought a new bike this week with birthday money, so we got in some good biking time.

Saturday I took some senior photos in the morning, then Mr.Pate's parents and Uncle came in town and we all headed to Chuy's. Yummo!!

After nap time we headed to Eli's birthday party! It was at the Smiths Grove park, which was a great location. The kids had a ball!

Great week :-)

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Monday, August 3, 2015

Week in Review {7/26-8/1}

This week was a big change of pace for us, because we ended up being at home 4 nights of the week! I cannot remember the last time that happened?!

Sunday we had church of course. My dad came up for church too. We picked up lunch and brought it home so we could get Griffins nap started ASAP.

My dad and Grady randomly matched on Sunday! Too cute.

After nap, we headed to a Hot Rods game with our church! It was a super hot and muggy day, so Grady and I mainly hung out inside during the game. Of course, our cute redeemer kids played with him :-)

Monday night we cooked dinner at home, Uncle D came over, and we ended the night with a good ol nerf gun fight.

Tuesday it poured during the day, so we had to cancel Parking Lot Party. Bummer. So we ended up hanging out at our house and playing. Griffin and Daddy practiced hitting the tball, and so far Griffin can hit either side?!

Wednesday we ate at home, then decided to head to Toys R Us to spend some of Griffins bday money. He picked a Ninja turtle bike helmet (he also liked the minion one, but didn't go with it).

Grady has been obsessed with any type of ball this week.

Thursday we had bible study and then these big kids rode bikes with their cute bike helmets :-)

Friday we headed to the Broady's house. I took Eden's 9 month pictures (sooo cute!) and then we played a long overdue (and long, haha) game of Catan! I have missed game nights with them.

Saturday, we were super productive around the house and got in some good quality playtime. Then my parents and youngest Niece came up to enjoy crabfest at Red Lobster- nom nom nom! It was so good!

After dinner, we played at our house for awhile. Livvi and Griffin got some Just Dance action in, and there were random sword fights in my living room as well. Ha.

And of course, my fabulous mother helped do some laundry and dishes. She is the best.

It was a wonderful, low key, home-oriented week and it was just what I needed. Yay!

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